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Check with your local district to see if they have spots left for FALL Soccer Registration!​
Hidden Valley is being taken care of through Lawrenceburg SAY soccer currently due to low registration numbers.
Milan Youth Soccer
Switzerland Co.
Please be aware that ALL TEAMS are randomly drawn at a supervised blind draw before the season begins. If your district has enough kids for multiple teams, the kids will be split into different teams. This is a SISAY Bi-Law and has been in practice since the league's inception. This practice exists to make sure that no kid in the Fall League gets left behind and not put on a team for any reason.
If you have a child that has any situation that the board or coaches need to be aware of PLEASE MAKE SURE that information goes on their registration form!
Dillsboro Say Soccer
Hidden Valley Lake Soccer Club
Lawrenceburg Greendale Soccer Club
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