Coaches Corner
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The MOTO of SAY Soccer is “KIDS HAVING FUN”. As part of this process, we ask that each coach fills out the coaches code of ethics.

All SISAY Coaches must complete the online concussion training, background check, and Safesport Training.
SafeSport Training Instructions
SafeSport training is free to SAY Soccer members. The link below is U.S. Soccer’s national governing body access point allowing any of our members to complete training. The link has an embedded code for free usage and can be shared with members or registrants, but please don’t post it on your website or other public domain, as it’s to be used only by U.S. Soccer affiliated organizations.
If you are completing training for the first time:
1. Use this link (copy and paste):
2. Complete information on “Sign Up” page. a. Member ID = You can leave blank not used b. Name of Sport or Community Organization = SAY Soccer, your SAY Area or SAY District Name
3. If the dashboard does not automatically load after creating your account, you may be prompted to log in to the new account you just created.
4. Click on “My Courses” on landing page or from menu select “My Courses.”
5. Click the Start button for “SafeSport Trained – U.S. Soccer Federation” to complete the course. 6. Upload your certificate of completion.
If you already have an account and have taken training before:
1. Log in here (copy and paste):
2. Which course to take: If you have never completed SafeSport training, you should take the course entitled, “SafeSport Trained – U.S. Soccer Federation”. If you have taken training before, you should take the next available Refresher Course. If your last course taken was “Refresher 3” your next course would be the “SafeSport Trained – U.S. Soccer Federation” course again.
The training runs in a 4-year cycle as follows: Year 1: SafeSport Trained – U.S. Soccer Federation
Year 2: Refresher 1
Year 3: Refresher 2
Year 4: Refresher 3
Year 5: SafeSport Trained – U.S. Soccer Federation (again)
Note that there are other courses available in the catalog. These are optional and do not meet the training requirement established by the Center for SafeSport.
Instructions for downloading a certificate of completion
1. Please select the “Menu” icon at the top right of your page
2. Select “Transcript”
3. Once the transcript page displays, locate the most current completion for the course under the “Certificates” section.
What is coaching about? Championships or People?
Former Georgia Football Coach Mark Richt believes it's about people
"Leadership isn’t singular. No one leads alone"
-Mike Krzyzewski
At your preseason meeting give parents a chance to write you a private note on the following questions:
1 – Does your son/daughter have a learning style that I need to be aware of?
2 – Is there anything going on in your son/daughters life that would be helpful for me to know?
3 – What life lessons are you currently teaching them in your family that I can support?
AS ALWAYS the 50% rule is in effect: Players (unless injured/sick) are required to play at least 50% of the game. If you have a player that isn’t feeling well PRE-GAME or DURING THE GAME, this must be brought to the attention of the referee in charge.