4.29 7:20am Weather Update
Please be aware that weather can change in the blink of an eye and referees and district board members make the call on canceling games at their district in the best interest of player safety.
SISAY Vice President and Referee Co-ordinator David Kelly has been at a number of fields this morning and is in contact with board members of other fields where games are scheduled to be played today. Obviously, if Thunder and Lightning roll through the area, games could be delayed, or called off as your game time approaches.
Games at Lawrenceburg Greendale Soccer Club are on as scheduled.
Games at Aurora Soccer Association are also on as scheduled: the fields have a couple areas of standing water but overall are playable and there is no concerns for player safety.
We are still waiting word for games in Switzerland County and Dillsboro as district board members get to their fields and get them checked out.
Please continue to check back here and keep in contact with your coaches for any additional information as it becomes available.