This Spring, the South-Eastern Indiana Soccer Association for Youth would like to offer a High School recreational leagues for players in South-Eastern Indiana. In addition to that, we are interested in opening it up to anyone from Ohio or Kentucky that would like to join us. Matches would be played on Sunday Afternoons at Lawrenceburg-Greendale Fields, and Switzerland County Indiana Fields (Other districts may also host as needed) on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday In June. SIGN UP DEADLINE is FRIDAY MAY 11th!
Team Size:
7v7 (Roster max 13)
Field Size:
47 yards by 75 yards
Goal size:
6.5 x 18.5.
Match Time:
2-35 Minute Halves
We will use a 2 man referee system for this division
Number of Matches:
8 Match Guarantee
Plus a top 6 team playoff (given that we get 8 teams or more) on Sunday, June 24th.
Cost per team is $650 this includes your Referee Fees. A non-refundable deposit of $100 is due at time of signup via PayPal.
Before your first match, you will need the following:
League Fee Paid in Full:
Paid Via PAYPAL (below),
CHECK (payable to SISAY)
Mailed to:
SISAY Soccer
Attn: Ryan Sparks
304 Riverscape Ct.
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
Download the Official SISAY Roster File: HERE this must be turned in at the first match as well.
Each player's family must turn in a medical waiver before the first game, that waiver can be downloaded HERE
You are in charge of your own uniforms. This can be a matching t-shirt, or you can wear a matching full kit if you would like only uniform requirement is that your team wears a matching top. (similar to most indoor facilities) If you are in need of a uniform option we have a supplier that can get $12 matching performance tee's similar to dri-fit. This expense is up to your team. You must have a matching Color.
Teams from Indiana can't have more than 6 players from the SAME SCHOOL TEAM on their Roster.
If your team is from somewhere outside of Indiana, you must follow your home state rules!
Do NOT make it so your players become ineligible for the upcoming fall season.
Schedule Dates: (8 Matches)
Sunday, May 20th
Sunday, May 27th
Wednesday, May 30th
Saturday, June 2nd
Sunday, June 3rd
Wednesday, June 6th
Saturday, June 9th
Sunday, June 10th
Wednesday, June 13th
Saturday, June 16th
Sunday, June 17th
Wednesday, June 20th
Playoff week:
All Hosted by Lawrenceburg-Greendale Soccer Club
Saturday, June 23rd
Sunday, June 24th
Wednesday, June 27 Championship Night
6:30 PM
Championship Match
Tournament Schedule:
The schedule will release to coaches one week prior to games starting Any regular season game that needs to be rescheduled through the referee co-ordinator David Kelly